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Spinach Loaf

Barbara James
Ryan Brown

  • 2 (8 oz) pkg cream cheese, softened
  • 1 cup grated cheddar
  • 1 cup cooked bacon
  • ¼ cup chopped onion
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed

  • 1 cup margarine, softened

  • 1 pkg frozen spinach, cooked and drained
  • 1 tsp dill, juice or seeds
  • 1 large loaf French or Dutch bread

Mix the first 8 ingredients together in a bowl. Slice the top off the loaf and dig out bread, creating a large hole. Fill loaf with cream cheese mixture and place top back on top. Double wrap in tin foil and bake on a cookie sheet at 325°F for 2 hours. Serve immediately with crackers and left over bread.