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Häagen Dazs Ice Cream Cake

Valerie Darmonkow
Georgia Darmonkow

  • 2 (500 mL) containers Häagen Dazs ice cream
  • 6 squares semi-sweet chocolate
  • ¼ cup corn syrup

  • 2 Tbsp butter

  • 2 Tbsp water
  • 2 Tbsp milk chocolate, melted
  • 8 to 10 strawberries

Soften ice cream slightly for about 15 minutes on the counter. Line bottom and sides of an 8 inch (2 L) pound cake pan with wax paper. Press ice cream evenly into pan, smoothing top to make even. Cover with plastic wrap and return to freezer for at least 24 hours for ice cream to harden. Melt semi-sweet chocolate with corn syrup, butter and water over hot water. Cool completely. Remove ice cream from freezer for 30 minutes. Remove and drizzle with chocolate. Just before serving, garnish with strawberries dipped in melted milk chocolate.