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Pistachio Dessert

Nancie Robbins
Grade 5 Teacher

Bottom Layer:

  • 1 ½ cups flour
  • ¾ cup butter
  • ½ cup nuts, reserve some for top

Middle Layer:

  • 8 oz pkg cream cheese
  • ⅔ cup sugar
  • 1 tub Cool Whip (or equivalent)

Top Layer:

  • 2 pkg pistachio pudding
  • 2 ½ cups cold milk

Combine ingredients for Bottom Layer. Bake in a 9x13 inch pan at 350°F for 20 minutes.

Cream the cream cheese and sugar. Fold in ½ of the Cool Whip. Spread over Bottom Layer. Mix pistachio pudding with milk. Spread over Middle Layer. Spread remainder of Cool Whip over top and sprinkle with reserved nuts.