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Beef Butler

Mary Jane Puxley and Chris Sharpe
Anna Sharpe

  • Enough of your favourite cut of steak for 2 people
  • 1 to 2 Tbsp margarine
  • 2 handsful sliced, fresh mushrooms

  • ¼ cup white wine

  • ⅔ cup heavy cream
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 2 generous tsp Dijon mustard
  • Lots of freshly ground pepper

In a heavy skillet (preferably cast iron), fry steak. When cooked to desired doneness, remove from skillet and keep warm. Add margarine to skillet. Melt over medium heat, scraping up brown bits from steak. Add sliced mushrooms and sauté until they begin to release some of their juices. Do not brown. Pour wine over sautéed mushrooms. Allow to reduce a little. Add cream, garlic, mustard and pepper and cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Allow to thicken to a gravy like colour and consistency. Pour sauce over steak and serve. Serves 2.

Note: This foolproof recipe tastes like very haute cuisine.